2023. okt 01.

Avoid TikTok Seller Violations

írta: Universal Info
Avoid TikTok Seller Violations


How to avoid violating TikTok's seller policies

TikTok is a social media platform where users can share short videos of themselves. It is a popular platform for brands and businesses to promote their products and services. However, there are some seller policies that users need to be aware of in order to avoid violating them. One of the most important seller policies is that users are not allowed to share personal information. This includes phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses. Users are also not allowed to share images or videos that contain nudity, violence, or hateful content. Another important seller policy is that users are not allowed to sell products that are illegal, counterfeit, or regulated. This includes drugs, alcohol, gambling, and weapons. Users are ...

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TikTok Seller Violation